about the project
The project LIFE AgroPaper® is focus on the reduction of plastic mulch use in agricultural practices. The solution for that is a paper mulch 100% biodegradable and compostable totally respectful environmentally.
The main objective of this project is to prove that the paper mulch is effective with a wide variety of agricultural crops. For that aim the paper will be prove in different crops and in different climatological areas. The approximate length of the project will be of two years.
To verify that the paper mulch works correctly, the paper will be tested in a variety of crops. The partners of the project that will help Smurfit Kappa carrying out the demonstrations of the different crops, belongs to Spain all of them with the exception of one, that belongs to France and where they will be carry out also some of the demonstrations in crops.
The total project budget is of 1.949.792€. However, 55% of the project will be co-financed by the European Commission (1.072.385€).
Week 7

Lettuce & Curly Endive

The paper is going to be proved in lettuce and curly endive crops in Navarre (Spain).
Week 13

Iceberg Lettuce

The paper mulch is going to be proved in lettuce crops in Mont Saint Michel, France.
Week 17-18

The paper mulch is going to be proved in tomato crops in Castejón (Navarre).
Week 18-19

Piquillo Pepper
The paper mulch is going to be proved in piquillo pepper crops in Navarre (Spain).
Week 20

Green Onion

The paper mulch is going to be proved in green onion crops in Bourgogne, France.
Week 20


The paper mulch is going to be proved in sweet potato crops in Sarthe, France.
Week 20


The paper mulch is going to be proved in pumpkin crops in Normandy, France.
Week 27


The paper mulch is going to be proved in lettuce crops in Mont Saint Michel, France
Week 29

The paper mulch is going to be proved in artichoke crops in Navarre, Spain
Week 40

Iceberg Lettuce

The paper mulch is going to be proved in lettuce and curly endive crops in Murcia, Spain.
Week 48-49

The paper mulch is going to be proved in broccoli crops in Navarre, Spain