The Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Soil Management were developed by FAO in 2017 through an inclusive process under the Global Soil Partnership (GSA). They are intended to be a reference document in formulating technical and general policy recommendations on sustainable soil management (SLM) for a wide range of committed
The results of the LIFE AgroPaper® project have shown that AgroPaper® paper mulch contributes to the objectives set in the Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Soil Management in the following aspects:
- Prevents soil erosion, either by water or wind action;
- Preserves and protects soil structure, preventing soil degradation and ensuring a stable physical context (air, water, heat and root growth);
- Ensures soil protection and coverage.
- Increases the organic matter content of the soil.
- Contributes to ensuring appropriate nutrient availability and flows to maintain or improve soil fertility.
- Promotes efficient water infiltration and storage.
- Does not contribute pollutants to the environment and is not toxic to animals or humans.
- Conserves and protects soil biodiversity, and in the full range of biological functions;
- Promotes soil management by limiting and optimising the use of inputs;
- Minimises soil compaction and sealing.
Throughout the development of the project, LIFE AgroPaper’s social networks have disseminated these contents in the form of infographics and other user-friendly materials for the dissemination and understanding of these demonstrations.

Other advantages of using AgroPaper®
During this project we have worked to demonstrate that the use of this paper has advantages such as:
- Can be placed mechanically with current machinery.
- Applicable to most crops.
- Excellent control of weeds, including sedges.
- Long lasting storage.
- Compostable according to the EN 13432 standard.
- Cost savings in management and handling as it does not generate waste.
- Biodegradable, the paper can be incorporated into the soil.
- Contributes with organic matter to the soil.
- Efficient control of soil temperature without overheating the crop.
- 100% Circular Economy, today’s future.
The project is supported by the European Commission – LIFE program of the European Union with the reference: LIFE 19 ENV/ES/000404 – and aims to demonstrate that paper mulching is a sustainable solution for the environment, thus helping to preserve the planet. Finally, the paper, produced by Smurfit Kappa, maintains its resistance properties in conditions of high humidity and water, replaces polyethylene and allows for efficient and environmentally friendly padding.