Within the framework of the LIFE AgroPaper project, a replicability and transferability strategy of the project has been envisaged, including among its results the eco-labelling of this agricultural paper. Thus, one of the actions has focused on achieving the Ecolabelling of LIFE AgroPaper® agricultural paper.
In this respect, although the results of this work have shown that eco-labelling was not relevant for horticulture and agriculture, it has been achieved:
OK Compost certification for AgroPaper®, which guarantees the complete compostability of the paper in soil, even in low temperature conditions.
– Additional: certifications: TÜV AUSTRIA OK Biobased, DIN CERTO as compostable under industrial conditions, CO2 biodegradable, and microbial digestion, complying with food contact regulations.
About OK Compost certification
OK Compost is a highly demanded certification by companies, both in Spain and internationally, as having this certification guarantees the compostability of their products.
Here is a short informative video about the importance of compostability.
If we take into account the standard UNE-EN 13432 Packaging. Requirements for containers and packaging recoverable by composting and biodegradation. Test programme and evaluation criteria for the final acceptance of packaging, it specifies the requirements and procedures to determine the compostability and aerobic treatability of packaging (and that of its materials) by studying four essential characteristics:
- Physico-chemical characterisation of the test material (absence or limits of heavy metals and a percentage higher than 50% in volatile solids).
- Biodegradability. The threshold for biodegradability is 90% and 6 months maximum.
- Disintegration during biological treatment. No material fragments larger than 2 mm x 2 mm should remain after 12 weeks.
Effect on the quality of the compost obtained, ecotoxicity.
In addition, this standard is harmonised with Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste, and their modifications, with regard to one of the possible ways of recovery (namely composting) of packaging.
Finally, it should be recalled that AgroPaper® is also fully compostable according to EN13432 with optimal temperature control so as not to overheat the crop like polyethylene. Handling costs are lower as the paper is fully compostable, which creates organic matter for the benefit of the soil.
This project is financially supported by the LIFE programme of the European Union under the reference: LIFE 19 ENV/ES/000404.