LIFE AgroPaper® is a project aimed at replacing plastic mulch used in agriculture with biodegradable and compostable paper mulch. Since september 2020 to december 2023, several demonstrations have been carried out with the aim of:
- Validate this new product in different climatic zones and for different types of crops.
- Promote AgroPaper® as an ecological and sustainable product for farmers who wish to cultivate in a sustainable and environmentally responsible way.
- Demonstrate the benefits of incorporating paper mulch into crops, including increased quality and productivity, and a reduced carbon footprint.
- To generate social awareness and respect for the environment from the beginning of the agricultural consumption chain.
To validate the product, 15.4 ha have been mulched in Spain and France. The locations selected to carry out the paper mulching demonstrations were Murcia (Spain), Navarra (Spain), Normandy (France) and Burgundy (France). And the crops selected to carry out these demonstrations have been lettuce, pepper, tomato, corn and artichoke.
The project has the support of the European Commission (The project Towards to zero plastic soil management agricultural practices -LIFE AgroPaper®- has the financial support of the LIFE programme of the European Union with the reference: LIFE 19 ENV/ES/000404).
The final results of this project are collected in two reports that you can download by clicking on the image:
- A new sustainable and 100% compostable eco-labelled agricultural paper (AGROPAPER) has been applied for mulching;
- AGROPAPER has been validated over two campaigns in 18 field demonstrations with five different crops (tomato, pepper, lettuce, corn and artichoke) in four different climatic areas, covering one hectare;
- More than 1 000 soil and plant samples has been analysed to ensure the validation process;
- Increase the productivity of the crops due to the use of AGROPAPER;
- Reduction in the time required for the mulching activity thanks to adaptad machine;
- Elimination of non-degradable plastic film in soil. During the project, the generation of hundred of tonnes of plastic has been avoided;
- Reduction of the carbon footprint, from 600 to 120 kgCO2eq/ha; and Increase in edaphic fertility (soil fertility, productivity and sustainability).
Other materials on LIFE AgroPaper
On this website, in the news section, you can find all the advances made during the project thanks to the scientific and technical demonstrations and validations and other related actions such as the results of the interviews with farmers or the analysis of environmental legislation.
Among the most important materials is the LIFE AgroPaper® manual which contains the following sections:
- Advantages of mulching with AgroPaper®: what kind of advantages do you get if you decide to use paper mulch versus plastic mulch?
- How to choose the paper that best suits your reality: type, crop, climate, irrigation or not… You will know which conditions are optimal to choose your mulch, where and when to place it.
- Installation instructions: detailed recommendations for laying AgroPaper®.
- Recommended tools for installation. find out about the different types of machinery suitable for laying AgroPaper®.
- Where to find AgroPaper® and technical advice. If you want to try this paper mulch or if you need advice or technical support, you can contact us through the link provided.
The manual, available in English and Spanish, can be downloaded from the LIFE AgroPaper® website or from any of its social networks. AgroPaper® is thus presented as an ecological and sustainable product for farmers who wish to cultivate in a sustainable and environmentally responsible way.